People's Opinions

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<< A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house.>> Matthew 13:54-58 

      People have a tendency to set judgement on their counterparts. It is much easier to "look at the speck in your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:5), to "throw the first stone" (John 8:7), or more commonly to find faults in the person sitting right next to me, while believing ourselves blameless and trustworthy.

<< And He also told this parable to some people who trusted themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt.>> Luke 18:9

      Self-righteousness separates us from God. It is the sin of convincing ourselves to be pure and clean, in contrast to our fellow brothers and sisters. Self-righteousness is a form of idolatry, that ALL BELIEVER should stray away from. Only in God is the authority to judge humanity, not even our own selves. So who are we to to label our brothers and sisters in Christ, or even unbelievers? Have we reached the highest level of holiness and achieved perfection to pass on judgement on our neighbor with our narrow-minded opinions? Do we see the biggest picture as God does? Are we gods???
      This why my brothers and sisters, the opinions of others do not even matter!!!
       Let me repeat that THE OPINIONS (view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge) of human beings, the human race in general, men, women, parents, children, elders, mentors, professors, bosses, friends, IF NOT based on fact or knowledge, no matter how truthful they sound or confident the "judge" appears, these opinions are irrelevant. Because there is only ONE judge and His name is Jesus.

     <<I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus-Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom.>> 2 Timothy 4:1
        Who told you you're not good enough? Who told you you would never amount to anything? Who told you you're less than? Who told you that this type is beautiful and this type is not? Who told you this is successful and this is not? Who defined success? Who defined beauty? Who defined attractiveness? Relevance? Based on what?

Song of Solomon 4:7

- << Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.>>  KJV

- << You are altogether beautiful, my darling and there is no blemish in you. >> New American Standard

       This is what God says about you. This is the Word of God. Not the word of Mrs. so and so. Not the word of Mommy or Grandma. This is the Universal truth and no-one can contradict that.

       I'm preaching to myself here, because I grew up as the youngest kid in my family with a type A personality older sister, step brothers and sisters, in a very rigorous upbringing. You can imagine all the opinions and "advice" that were directed to me. I had to wisely select the ones that would generate good for my life and discard the irrelevant ones. Let alone the opinions of our church leaders or other elders. No matter how elaborated they might sound like, they have to be tested by the Word.
       Does anyone know who Jack Ma is? Jack Ma is a Chinese business man, who founded Alibaba, a network of small internet-based businesses. Jack Ma applied for 30 different jobs and got rejected by all. He went for a job with the Police and they said he was "no good". He applied at the KFC with 23 other applicants, who all got the offer except him. He applied 10 times for Harvard and never got accepted. Today, Ma is second on the World's 50 Greater Leaders list by Fortune Magazine.

     So my dear brother or sister, if someone DARES to tell you that you, a fearfully and wonderfully made creature, are NOT good enough, ask that person to show you the bible verse that talks about it or the source of this epiphany.

    We have been created by God and only He can put a stamp in our lives. God loves you right where you are.

  Dear Father, thank You for loving us as we are, in our lanes, with our portion, with our weaknesses, and also with our strengths. May You be glorified in all that we do. Father our lives, minds, spirits, thoughts and souls are in Your hands. May You please mold us in a way that we are strong enough to believe that You are the ultimate opinion Maker and that You love us. We cover all the lies the enemy has told us since we were born and would tell us again, in the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ and discard them all for the rest of our lives. We believe in Your Strength alone, because when we are weak, then You are strong. Hence, we are bold, confident, attractive, beautiful, successful, prosperous, and strong because that is what Your Word says about us. We claim it and receive it with Your Grace, In Jesus Name. Amen. 



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