True Life is Found In Jesus Christ

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<<For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.>> Matthew 16:25

        Life is the gift of being and existing, granted by the God the Universe. It can also be defined as vitality, vigor, presence or existence. When Jesus says in John 14:6 that He is <<the way and the truth and the life>>, He implies that in Him alone can our deepest longings be met. Our spiritual needs, our physical needs, emotional, mental, social desires and hopes can only be satisfied by our Lord Jesus-Christ. No food will ultimately make us happy. No friends will fill our love tank. Nobody, nothing can fill our cups and needs as Jesus. This life is temporary and for this reason must be lived in and for God alone! This life is a preparation stage to our calling to be holy.

        If one lives only to store up riches, material things, to get likes and followers, to satisfy their worldly desires, and to fill their stomachs, they will lose the eternal value of a sacrificial life guided through God's will and wisdom.
        Our lives are meant to be lives of self-sacrifice, lives of surrender, lives of giving to others, but mostly to Christ Who died for us. <<It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me. >>(Galatians 2:20) Jesus died to give us life in abundance. Now we are to live for Him.
        My brothers and sisters. It is time to speak to our flesh and command it to surrender unconditionally to the Lord. What is God asking us to do that we keep pushing further? Our true joy is found in Jesus-Christ. That is why some of our most joyful times are also seasons of tests and trials. It is in these seasons that our Lord Jesus-Christ was revealed to us in closer and most glorious way.
          I found true life and joy through a breakup with my boyfriend in 2012. I made an idol of him and was suffering from a strong emotional tie for a year or two after He left with no response or conversation. I was so broken and confused that I could barely breathe or think right. I did not spend a day without thinking about my then boyfriend and wondering about the reasons of him leaving. My world broke into pieces and confusion.
          But God... 

          That is the year I gave my life fully to Christ. That is the year God showed me my worth and value. I felt His presence like never before.  developed a RELATIONSHIP with Him. God gave me dignity. God raised ALL my standards!
           I found life, TRUE LIFE in Christ. I found true life the exact moment I lost it, by praying for my then boyfriend, forgiving him, inviting him almost two years later, cooking for him, and letting him know that I will never have a sexual relationship with him as I have decided to uniquely do God's will for my life. Losing my life for the Glory of God through this standard, God totally healed my wounded life. He gave me true worth, calling me His beautiful daughter, fearfully and wonderfully made, a royal priesthood, a Child of the Most High, an heir to the Kingdom.

          My precious friends do not lose yourselves trying to please this world. Let us live holy lives for the sake and Glory of God alone. We will be rewarded in this life or the next. God loves us and in Him alone is all we need.

          Father God, I thank You for Your love and care. You are a wonderful God. You are a Majestic God. All praise and Honor to You. God, we pray today for wisdom to truly understand what You mean in Your Word to lose our lives for Your Name. Lord we surrender all to You now and forever and we humbly beg You to give us strength, perseverance, will and consistency to give You all the days of our lives. Lord when we are weak, then You are strong. Father, use our weaknesses for Your glory as we lay our lives before You in total and complete abandon. In Jesus Name. Amen.



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