
Showing posts from September, 2017

God's Little Ones

<< Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." >> (Matthew 19:14)       Children are defined, according to Thesaurus as  1) sons or daughters, babies or infants, people regarded as conditioned, or marked by given circumstances. 2) Immature people, or people who have little or no experience in particular areas.            Children, in the world, are considered as unimportant, uninfluential, weak entities, dependent individuals who have no power in themselves. The children in today's society are all people who are marginalized, rejected, misfits, deemed as unimportant, uninfluential, irrelevant, because of their seemingly small stature, their lack of social power or charisma, often judged in a materialistic way, and mostly based on social status, economic class, racial group, appearance, social heritage, culture, original ancestry, financial assets, job titles, etc... (You n